Artikel #39

Is it possible to mount an NFS share from a host outside of the departmental system?

Yes, ordinary users may use the directory /net, which may be found on both Solaris and Debian Linux systems.

/net is a clean method to mount NFS shares dynamically from other hosts. The directory /net/HOSTNAME/EXPORT_NAME is used for exports from the host with name HOSTNAME. For example, if you export /home from your home computer (, say) it will be found at /net/ From /net/ tab completion , common commands such as ls, and so forth, work as usual. However, this is not the case at the top level.

Remember that you are working with a multi-user system, and that others may be able to access your mounts. Use the appropriate discretion.

A mount is removed after a day of inactivity.

Related areas

UNIX , Home directory

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