CD/DVD handling in Linux

Login on a Linux machine locally (otherwise you won't have necessary access to the devices).

Reading a CD/DVD

  • To mount (read) a CD/DVD:
    mount /cdrom
  • To unmount (stop reading) a CD/DVD:
    umount /cdrom
The actual files will be acessible in /cdrom

Burning a DVD

  • To write a DVD ISO (complete image):
    growisofs -Z /dev/dvd=YOURIMAGEFILE
  • To completely blank a DVD+RW disk:
    growisofs -Z /dev/dvd=/dev/zero
    (you can write a new image over the old one directly unless you specifically want to clear out the disk)
  • To burn a directory tree:
    mkisofs -rock -joliet -o /scratch/myiso.iso YOURDIRECTORY
    and then you write the image /scratch/myiso.iso as shown above. This will make everything inside YOURDIRECTORY to end up on the DVD, not included the directory itself.

Burning a CD

  • To write a CD ISO (complete image):
    cdrecord -v YOURIMAGEFILE
  • To blank a CD-RW disk:
    cdrecord -v blank=fast   or   cdrecord -v blank=all
  • To create an audio CD:
    cdrecord -audio -pad 01-blah.wav 02-blahxy.wav 03-eirj.wav
    If you don't have .wavs, you need to decode them first.. with for instance mpg123 -w blah.wav blah.mp3 or oggdec blah.ogg.
  • To burn a directory tree:
    mkisofs -rock -joliet -o /scratch/myiso.iso YOURDIRECTORY
    and then you write the image /scratch/myiso.iso as shown above. This will make everything inside YOURDIRECTORY to end up on the DVD, not included the directory itself.
Add -dummy to cdrecord to make a dummy run without turning the laser on (not affecting the disk).


There seem to be some trouble with CDRWs on some machines in ma416, it doesn't see the actual media.. Seems to be a physical defect.