Some quick howto's

What's the CS account? (not Umu-id or CAS)

You have an account, xxxNNyyy where xxx denotes what program you are taking, NN is what academic year you got your account and yyy is based on your name. It holds mail, storage for studies etc. and is used for accessing the department computer labs and servers.

How to I reset/get the password?

You can reset your password at by logging in with your Umu-id/CAS-id.

You do not have to know your CS-username to reset your password, it will be shown to you after you've logged in.

Course stuff at CS is sent to my mail, how do I read it?

Webmail at, or on your own computer/phone: SMTP and IMAP is, SSL/TLS. Use the account above.

More info at

Can I redirect my mail somewhere else?

Sure, go to

How do I transfer files?

There are several methods, go to

How do I print documents from my own computer?

Follow the instructions on

Any more useful sites?

I have trouble with my CS account

Contact us at

I have trouble with my Umu-id/CAS account or access card

Go to Infocenter in the Universum building